Sunday, April 18, 2010

Eclectic Ramblings, Reflections and Pictures

April 18, 2010

eclectic [ɪˈklɛktɪk ɛˈklɛk-]

1. selecting what seems best from various styles, doctrines, ideas, methods, etc.
2. composed of elements drawn from a variety of sources, styles, etc.

*  In about 30 minutes, it is my 24th wedding anniversary.  I get the privilege of being married to the man of my dreams who has stood by me through sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, and through the pregnancies and births of 5 boys.  Between pregnancies and chemo I’ve been nauseous a huge chunk of my adult life.  I think I was more emo during the pregnancies than the chemo...I think so anyway.  Reed has been an amazing trooper through it all standing by me without complaining even when I'm beyond snotty and acting like a female dog.   Divorce has never been an option in our marriage forcing us to work through the hard issues.  It has made us stronger - closer to each other and closer to our Jesus.  I seriously cannot imagine life without him.  I love you Reed!! 

*  Two years ago, on our anniversary, we renewed our vows.  I began chemo 3 months after our celebration and obviously have not stopped.  Super weird to think about.  Cam and Abe graduated high school at the one year mark.  Elijah was baptized and Cam became an "adult" and started college during year two.  Last year’s anniversary was spent having a special prayer night at our house to help us deal with and survive two upcoming shoulder surgeries and a broken foot...along with the chemo and my first gamma knife procedure.  This year we’re celebrating with breakfast out in the morning and chemo in the afternoon.  In two weeks, I will have officially celebrated all but one of my boys birthdays having treatment.  Abe will start college at what will likely be the beginning of year three.  I’m REALLY hoping next year is completely different.

*  Three weeks ago my face was at the lens end of miscellaneous media outlet’s cameras.  A week-ish ago, studio cameras were in my face preparing to beam my image to lots and lots of television sets.  The middle of this week I was lying in a tube with special “cameras” looking inside my brain and “televising” my cranial image to the only person that really mattered...Dr. Duma, my neurosurgeon.  He said my brain looked beautiful!!  The last two experiences caused a bit of anxiety...I preferred seeing Ellen’s cameras to seeing Dr. Duma’s.  Plus, Ellen’s people don’t use needles.  Well, on me anyway.

*  I’ve had three treatments with the “new” regimen.  So far not seeing anything encouraging but was told it would take a little while.  I guess I just keep waiting.  Side effects are minimal...mostly fatigue and some tummy aches.  I am, however, having a weird yucky pain in my left arm.  But new pajamas were specially delivered tonight so that I look cute while lying around and feeling gross!!  Always an up side.  I love pajamas.

*  On Wednesday, literally out of the blue, Reed was offered a job with DC Shoes (clothing division) that was too good to pass up.  He starts this Tuesday.  His next business card will read, Reed Robinson, VP Merchandising.  Dawn, please tell Luke...I’m sure he will be soooo excited...hee, hee. 

*  Friday night Ben went to his very first prom with sweet Hannah and Cam was a part of his very first garage sale to raise money for his France mission trip.  These two things have nothing in common except that they were both firsts and we had to prepare for both at the same time.  Ben had more fun than Cam did.  Can you tell why??

*  Pete and Eli got haircuts this week and Abe celebrated his 13th spiritual birthday.

*  Today was an incredibly relaxing and special day hanging at the beach in Surfside celebrating the life of Jodie’s business partner and good friend, Steve Adler, who died on March 11th.  Several people hoped that Larry the whale would show his cute face during the paddle out but evidently, he didn't feel like coming.

*  Onto tomorrow.  Need to wash my new jammies!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Happy Anniversary Doll (15 minutes early). I love you too!

  2. Have you tried Garnet Hill jammies? I have bubbles and geraniums....nothing like jammies to help relax. You bet I'll tell Luke about DC!! Congratulations Reed...accolades and applause with much thanksgiving!! I love you guys, what you stand for, your marriage...I remember so vividly this really cute couple who walked into our church doors so many years ago...has it really been thaaaaat long? Again, I am so proud of you for weathering so many storms of life and yet you still smile, laugh, hug...always...dawn (aka Will).

  3. I am with ya on the pjs! Love 'em. Happy anniversary. -Annmarie
